Willamette Valley Woodturners

Member(s) of the Quarter

On a regular basis our club will recognize a Member of the Quarter. We reserve this for someone who has gone above and beyond the call of duty for the club. Along with the recognition comes a gift certificate to one of our suppliers. This club is run by volunteers and many serve silently just to make the organization run. With a large active group there is much to be done. The certificate will be presented at the first club meeting of each quarter.

This person will be selected by the board based upon their specific contribution. It is possible for the same person to be selected more than once but not for the same contribution. It would be best if this recognition did not go you to the same small group of people. Therefore, all club members are encouraged to get involved in club activities.

The recipient for the First Quarter of 2024 is Jeff Zens.

The recipient for the Second Quarter of 2024 is Brian Skaar.

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